Club Officers

Our Club Officers volunteer their time to ensure NJPBGRC Club runs smoothly, offers interesting topics at our meetings, coordinates our special events with the utmost detail and precision. We thank all our Club Officers for their dedication.


President: Pat Herschman
Vice President: Dottie Anne Von Suskil
Treasurer: Alice Heiser
Recording Secretary: Debbie Mullin
Corresponding Secretary: Ruth Osman


  • Laura Mistretta
  • Linda Randall
  • Bob Von Suskil
  • Scott Fosterling

Committee Chairpersons

Clinic Committee: Pat Herschman & Dottie Anne Von Suskil
Fund Raising Committee: Glenda Rose & Maryann Scocchio
Match Committee: Pat Herschman
New Members Committee: Dottie Anne Von Suskil
Program Committee: Linda Randall
Puppy Referrals: Alice Heiser
Specialty Committee: Pat Herschman
Web Site/Dock Diving Committee: Laura Mistretta


For additional information about our Club Officers or Membership information email us at